Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure
  • Genesis Potion of Pleasure

Genesis Potion of Pleasure

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60% tweed tsumugi silk, 40% egyptian cotton, 400 gr/m2, blackberry weave

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Blackberry 400 - 420 g/m²
size 7 - 550€, size 6 - 500€, size 5 - 450€, size 4 - 400€, ring sling (gathered shoulder, 220 cm short rail, XL rings color optional) - 320€

Tweed. Tsumugi. Silk. Woven in our unique blackberry weave, this wrap is thick but airy, floppy and will break in with minimum effort. It is gentle on your body and will have a beautiful drape despite the volume. The wrap is perfectly suitable for the upcoming warm season with lots of outside adventures. The tweed tsumugi silk is a Japanese bourette silk spun from colorful pieces for an incredible color play effect.
400 - 420 g/m²
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