Angel Wings Fancy Bright

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100% egyptian cotton, 320 gr/m2, gooseberry weave
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TOAK. A bright splash of blues, oranges, reds and purples. Angel Wings Fancy Bright is woven in our new gooseberry weaving technique. This technique has been developed create a wrap with a solid feel of the poppy weave but with a movement of the yarns in the weave similar to the cloudberry and raspberry weaves. The resulting wrap has less stretch and feels more flat than the wraps woven in cloudberry or raspbeery weaves, is strong, but still allows the yarns to move which allows the material to form around your body like a second skin. Angel Wings Fancy Bright is an eye catching, versatile, easy in care and use wrap suitable for all ages and all occasions. 
* This release is two of a kind, and only size 6 or 7 is available. 
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